Thursday, September 11, 2008

Me in a nutshell...

So I am basically your average girl. My hair never does what I want it to, my clothes fill 2 closets and I never have a thing to wear, and I hate drama. I love my family and I love going out with my friends and having a good time. I love sports, more than is probably normal but I love to sit/stand and watch a game, and of course tailgate. I love Fightin' Texas Aggie Football, the Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks, Dallas Stars, Aggie Basketball etc... I have some of the best friends in the world and don't know what I would do without them. I love the idea of the perfect romance, but know that it doesn't exist. I love traveling and trying new things, you should always try everything once. I am a Political Science major but generally don't like debating with people, but if you start I'll be glad to. I am addicted to texting, and I am not really big into talking on the phone. I am a night owl but I don't like sleeping in, I feel like I am wasting away the day. I love pictures, and yes I take them all the time. I was born and raised in Dallas, but am starting to really like Houston and College Station. I miss Galveston but enjoy being able to go back and visit my friends, its like a mini vacation =). My goal in life is to make an impact, regardless of how big or small, but I want to make a change to help the world. I absolutely love animals espically horses and dogs, and want to have as many as I possibly can. Life is a rollercoaster and I am just trying to enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

Katie said...

so glad you've joined the blogosphere. skype me sometime: kwingate2010.