Saturday, September 13, 2008

So I am up in Dallas right now, which was the original plan all along but I ended up bringing some of my friends with me becuase they had to "evacuate" College Station. We have been staying up real late watching the weather and calling and keeping in touch with everyone in Houston. Luckily everyone I know is okay, and no one has any major damage to their houses. The storm is just starting to get into the DFW area, the wind has picked up but we haven't gotten much rain yet. I don't think we will end up with that much thanks to an eastern shift of the storm. "Lori" is really enjoying my dog, who is pretty awesome. She is spoiled so when the weather starts to get bad she gets to come inside and play with us. Since there is only so much news and weather that you can watch we have been having very intriguing conversations. Last night we were discussing what happens to the squirrels on Galveston Island during hurricanes. Then every so often you get something amusing on the tv, like a guy dancing around on the beach in a bear suit and newscasters mispeaking. Last night we went and saw that new movie Burn After Reading which was entertaining and very interesting. It's one of those movies you are either going to like or really dislike. So today we are going to continue to watch the news and just keep inside and do some reading since it is nasty outside. Hope everyone is safe, will talk to you later.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Me in a nutshell...

So I am basically your average girl. My hair never does what I want it to, my clothes fill 2 closets and I never have a thing to wear, and I hate drama. I love my family and I love going out with my friends and having a good time. I love sports, more than is probably normal but I love to sit/stand and watch a game, and of course tailgate. I love Fightin' Texas Aggie Football, the Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks, Dallas Stars, Aggie Basketball etc... I have some of the best friends in the world and don't know what I would do without them. I love the idea of the perfect romance, but know that it doesn't exist. I love traveling and trying new things, you should always try everything once. I am a Political Science major but generally don't like debating with people, but if you start I'll be glad to. I am addicted to texting, and I am not really big into talking on the phone. I am a night owl but I don't like sleeping in, I feel like I am wasting away the day. I love pictures, and yes I take them all the time. I was born and raised in Dallas, but am starting to really like Houston and College Station. I miss Galveston but enjoy being able to go back and visit my friends, its like a mini vacation =). My goal in life is to make an impact, regardless of how big or small, but I want to make a change to help the world. I absolutely love animals espically horses and dogs, and want to have as many as I possibly can. Life is a rollercoaster and I am just trying to enjoy the ride.